Industry 4.0 is here to revolutionize the industry as we know it. It is the fourth industrial revolution, and it is transforming industries by integrating machines that adapt to new technologies. Quality 4.0 has emerged as a new approach to quality management that emphasizes adaptability, agility, and innovativeness. Achieving better performance, innovation, and operational excellence is now possible by combining traditional quality methods with new technologies. People also play a crucial role in guaranteeing success. The integration of new technologies such as IoT, artificial intelligence, and data mining is transforming production processes and leading to new opportunities and challenges.
Quality 4.0 requires a solid traditional quality foundation and the integration of technology in the culture of quality, leadership, and quality processes. It emphasizes the importance of adaptability and innovation in quality management and requires quality leaders to prioritize plans for Quality 4.0. In this way, they can promote sustainable development and embrace Industry 4.0 technologies and data availability to reduce costs and improve procedures.
To make Quality 4.0 possible, it is essential that professionals have a thorough understanding of ISO 9001 standard and ICT. They should be able to think critically and work effectively in teams. The research indicates that creativity and other skills related to product design are undervalued. Therefore, quality education programs need to adapt to the changing needs of the industry. The future of quality management, i.e., Quality 4.0, requires specific skills such as creative thinking, leadership, communication, teamwork, knowledge of new technologies and decision-making based on Big Data. Furthermore, quality professionals must know how to manage conflicts, control their emotions, and be open to change.
The survey conducted for this study emphasizes the importance of top management supporting the development of quality professionals. These professionals, who have the necessary skills to embrace Industry 4.0, can create innovative solutions to meet the rapidly changing requirements of the industry. Data availability is one of the greatest benefits of implementing Industry 4.0 technologies. However, there are several obstacles, including cost, a shortage of financial and human resources, and a lack of knowledge about new technologies. Despite these challenges, implementing Industry 4.0 can have significant benefits for the quality of products in the industry.
This study highlights the importance of preparing quality professionals to embrace Industry 4.0 technologies. The future of quality management requires professionals who have specific skills, the ability to adapt to change, and creativity. Further research is necessary to identify the necessary skills for quality professionals in the rapidly changing world. It is important to note that the survey used in this research was conducted with proper consent, no external funding, and no conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
Santos, G., Sá, J. C., Félix, M. J., Barreto, L., Carvalho, F., Doiro, M., ... & Stefanović, M. (2021). New needed quality management skills for quality managers 4.0. Sustainability, 13(11), 6149.