7. Online course on Quality 4.0

The online course will be the primary tool used to improve students' competencies in the field of quality management in Industry 4.0. The e-course will be created on Moodle platform, which is commonly used by universities in V4 region. This will make possible easy dissemination of the output to other universities in Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. The e-course will be created in English and the final version will be translated into the national languages of partners. The online course will include 9 modules, including: 

  • an introduction to Industry 4.0 and Quality 4.0 from a technical, managerial and economic perspective, 
  • a description of Quality 4.0 methods and tools, 
  • case studies, and 
  • exercises. 

The final module will discuss the competencies necessary for a practitioner to address the area of Quality 4.0
in practice, which increases the employability of graduates in the labour market. The course will use video and audio recordings, tasks, interactive content, forums, quizzes, H5P, Hotpot, discussion, and others. Moodle allows over 20 different types of activities. The course will be interactive and will require cooperation between students. The course will be supervised by qualified lecturers from partner universities. After finishing the preparation of the course, the pilot will be run. This will help find errors and improve the course. All the materials will be prepared and published online.

Download the MBZ file with the complete e-course for free.

Image: Oleksandr Pidvalnyi, Pixabay.com